Noetzold & Noetzold

N&N is a qualified authority in Risk Management

N&N employees are four types of specialists:

  • Risk Manager
  • Risk Profiler
  • Quants
  • Software Experts

The experienced risk managers have methodical competence within the area of risk management, e.g. financial engineering, financial-mathematical modeling, risk management strategies, risk management processes and structures. They guarantee the use of professional risk management models and methods as well as development of optimal risk steering measures under risk-return criteria. Many of the risk managers have acquired their risk management background with financial institutions or industrial companies before joining N&N.

The risk profilers are experts for systematic, complete, and efficient identification and quantification of risks, opportunities, risk driver, and their correlations. They apply and develop further the methods used for risk data collection (risk identification and risk quantification). The efficiency and coherence of the risk assessment methods is the basis for a successful sensible risk management. These methods in combination with the long-time experience of the risk profiler can guarantee consistent and precise results.

The quants are specialists in developing risk models. They all have their theoretical background in physics and/or mathematics with business experience in financial institutions. Quants provide quantitative solutions to risk management problems. They are primarily focused on the quantification and measurement of risk. This includes the pricing of derivatives, evaluation and optimization of portfolios, credit modelling, operational risk modelling, and the evaluation and optimization of risk management processes. The quants of N&N also have experience in developing and pricing structured products to efficiently protect corporate exposures from unfavourable market developments and to generate rewards from diversification potentials.

The system experts have extensive experience implementing risk management systems in various IT environments. They guarantee an optimal and efficient implementation of the software.

All N&N personnel have, apart from necessary technical and theoretical competence, long-time experience in consulting large industrial enterprises or mid-size enterprises in different industries.